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- /*************************************************************************
- * DFAtoWTel.rexx by Henning Hucke *
- * *
- * *
- * Convert the DFA-Database into a WilhelmTel-Telephonebook *
- * *
- * SYNTAX *
- * DFAtoWTel FILE/A *
- * *
- * This script checks all entries of the current DFA data file and *
- * writes all entries which contain phonenumbers into the given *
- * file conforming the format which is used by the telephonesoft *
- * WilhelmTel shiped with the ISDN-Master card of bsc. *
- * *
- * The only 'requirement' is, that you _must_ mirror the groupnames *
- * into this script if you change them within DFA. *
- * *
- * To configure this script to your taste, edit the initialization *
- * of the two variables *
- * GROUPNAME.x - where 1 <= x <= 8. The groupnames you use. *
- *************************************************************************/
- /* Presets */
- RC = 0
- NULLCHARS = '1234567890_.()[]{}/*-+'
- /*************************************************************************
- ** main
- */
- if ~show(ports, DFA) then
- do
- say "Start DFA first."
- exit 0
- end
- options FAILAT 100
- options RESULTS
- /* Open File for write */
- if ~open(TelBook, TelFile, W) then do
- say '***ERROR: Cant open' TelFile 'for write access!'
- exit 20
- end
- /* Get the names of the groups */
- counter = 1
- do while (RC = 0) & (counter <= NUMOFGROUPS)
- address "DFA" getprefs 'GROUPNAME'||counter
- GROUPNAME.counter = strip(translate(Result,'',NULLCHARS))
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- /* Write out header and group information */
- call writeln(TelBook, '##')
- call writeln(TelBook, '## WilhelmTel PhoneBook (Generated from DFA-Database by DFAtoWTel)')
- call writeln(TelBook, '## Last Updated on' translate(date(E),'-','/')',' time())
- call writeln(TelBook, '##')
- call writeln(TelBook, '')
- call writeln(TelBook, '')
- call writeln(TelBook, '##')
- call writeln(TelBook, '## Phonebook Groups')
- call writeln(TelBook, '##')
- call writeln(TelBook, '')
- counter = 1
- do while GROUPNAME.counter ~= 'GROUPNAME.'||counter
- call writeln(TelBook, ' GD="'||GROUPNAME.counter||'"')
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- call writeln(TelBook, '')
- call writeln(TelBook, '')
- call writeln(TelBook, '##')
- call writeln(TelBook, '## PhoneBook Entries')
- call writeln(TelBook, '##')
- call writeln(TelBook, '')
- /* Sort entries by name and firstname */
- address "DFA" sort sort1 NAME sort2 FIRST
- /* Disable listview refresh of DFAEditor */
- address "DFA" gui output off input off
- address "DFA" first stem p.
- do while RC = 0
- if p.address.10 ~= '' then do
- call writech(TelBook, 'N="'||strip(p.address.1 p.address.2)||'"')
- call writech(TelBook, ' A="'||p.address.4'"')
- call writech(TelBook, ' C="'||strip(p.address.5 p.address.6)||'"')
- call writech(TelBook, ' P="'||p.address.10'"')
- call writech(TelBook, ' G='||p.address.16*2 + p.address.17*4 + p.address.18*8 + p.address.19*16 + p.address.20*32 + p.address.21*64 + p.address.22*128 + p.address.23*256)
- call writech(TelBook, ' F=0')
- call writeln(TelBook, ' COM="'||p.address.15||'"')
- end
- address "DFA" next stem p.
- end
- /* Enable listview refresh of DFAEditor */
- address "DFA" first
- address "DFA" gui output on input on
- call close(TelBook)
- exit 0